Monday, July 7, 2014

Traversing the Gulf

Captain's Log: 7 July, 2014; Hour: 2232

Had a meeting with the crew tonight and it is decided. We will make the 30-mile run up to Tarpon Springs tomorrow. We'll dock, top off the fuel, do some laundry, and I'll do the radio show. Right after the show we will head out into the abyss of the Gulf of Mexico. This is definitely the most dangerous part of the trip. By our dead reckoning it's 137 miles from Tarpon Springs to the mouth of Apalachicola Bay. We'll look at the charts tomorrow and determine where to dock once we make landfall. That should be around noon the following day.

All this is contingent on good weather. The forecast is for clear skies but we've learned that can change in a second. 


  1. You may be able to time things right to catch the Blue Angels on Pensacola Beach either Friday or Saturday.

  2. Check your calculations. It's farther than 137 miles from Tarpon to Appalachicola. More like 180 statute miles. There is also current in the Gulf which may help or hinder. To save fuel you will want to run at 10 mph or less and run overnight. Never go into an unknown harbor at night. For the first 50 miles keep a sharp watch for crab pots in waters under 50 ft deep.
